All the workshops were very useful at introducing different programmes and invited a lot of possibilities to marry art and technology together as an exciting opportunity. Yet I feel that I am struggling a little bit, certainly with After Effects and Maya, as I have not used them before. But I have to remember that I was the same with Photoshop and Illustrator the previous academic year, and I feel much more confident now.
For my final piece of work, I started with some basic drawings and I chose the area of the Knuckles Mountain range in Sri Lanka, as a top tourist destination for international and local tourists. I felt that working with Photoshop would be easier to work with than trying to use After Effects, having done the After Effects workshop.
I have decided to interpret the play theme as raising awareness of the negative human impact on tourist spots in green spaces. I have chosen to illustrate this through a digital poster, incorporating a click and point aeroplane feature, to go across the sky of a beautiful picture demonstrating green space. As the plane moves across the sky, the picture goes grey to demonstrate the negative human impact of pollution on the environment.
I did my basic drawings using analogue techniques. I did a painting of the Knuckles Mountain range, which I scanned into Photoshop. I started digitally manipulating the image, by using a variety of brushes, to enhance the analogue painting, add more textures and more detail.
In Illustrator, I started producing typography using the iPad. I found this a lot easier to do it myself, rather than trying to manipulate text in the typical way. Using different types of brushes, I was able to create an engaging and interesting slogan for the post that I’m creating.
I do not feel confident about using After Effects at all. I have watched many videos and still I cannot produce anything of any substance, or a sequence that runs itself. Therefore, I’m not going to use After Effects at all in my project.
I also found it tricky to use Maya, which also needed a lot of steps to create anything that had meaning.
Although I could not include them in this project, I would definitely like to explore these programmes later, when I have more time. Perhaps over the summer, for example, to get to know the programmes better by watching YouTube videos. I want to educate myself by practising in my own time. I feel like I work better like this, rather than in pressurised environments such as workshops.
I sometimes feel like I am lagging behind others, but know that with time I can catch up and perhaps integrate these programmes into future projects, in my final year and beyond. the workshops were very useful at introducing different programmes and invited a lot of possibilities to marry art and technology together as an exciting opportunity. Yet I feel that I am struggling a little bit, certainly with After Effects and Maya, as I have not used them before. But I have to remember that I was the same with Photoshop and Illustrator the previous academic year, and I feel much more confident now.
For my final piece of work, I started with some basic drawings and I chose the area of the Knuckles Mountain range in Sri Lanka, as a top tourist destination for international and local tourists. I felt that working with Photoshop would be easier to work with than trying to use After Effects, having done the After Effects workshop.
I have decided to interpret the play theme as raising awareness of the negative human impact on tourist spots in green spaces. I have chosen to illustrate this through a digital poster, incorporating a click and point aeroplane feature, to go across the sky of a beautiful picture demonstrating green space. As the plane moves across the sky, the picture goes grey to demonstrate the negative human impact of pollution on the environment.
I did my basic drawings using analogue techniques. I did a painting of the Knuckles Mountain range, which I scanned into Photoshop. I started digitally manipulating the image, by using a variety of brushes, to enhance the analogue painting, add more textures and more detail.
In Illustrator, I started producing typography using the iPad. I found this a lot easier to do it myself, rather than trying to manipulate text in the typical way. Using different types of brushes, I was able to create an engaging and interesting slogan for the post that I’m creating.
I do not feel confident about using After Effects at all. I have watched many videos and still I cannot produce anything of any substance, or a sequence that runs itself. Therefore, I’m not going to use After Effects at all in my project.
I also found it tricky to use Maya, which also needed a lot of steps to create anything that had meaning.
Although I could not include them in this project, I would definitely like to explore these programmes later, when I have more time. Perhaps over the summer, for example, to get to know the programmes better by watching YouTube videos. I want to educate myself by practising in my own time. I feel like I work better like this, rather than in pressurised environments such as workshops.
I sometimes feel like I am lagging behind others, but know that with time I can catch up and perhaps integrate these programmes into future projects, in my final year and beyond.